At Municibid, we want you to always have the best experience possible. We understand it is not a great experience if you have won an item, only to find out it isn't quite what you expected it to be. We make it clear to the selling agencies that all items should be described as accurately as possible. While the vast majority of our selling agencies do this every time, we do occasionally see items that do not match the listing.
It is helpful to understand that Municibid is an online marketplace for selling agencies to sell their items. Municibid does not see, inspect or physically hold any item. We only have the information you can see on the listing page. We cannot verify the information on the listing page, and we do not guarantee the condition of any item. As stated in our Terms and Conditions and bid confirmation page, when you place a bid, you are agreeing that you have done your due diligence before placing your bid, regardless of if you have physically inspected the item or not. We HIGHLY recommend you do not place a bid unless you know the actual condition of an item. If you choose not to personally inspect the item, you are taking the chance that the item might not be as described or might be in a different condition.
If you win an item and find it to be different than the listed condition, you must address this with the selling agency directly. Municibid does not have the authority to cancel the sale, authorize a lower sale price and/or refund the bid amount. You must address the issue with the seller directly. We recommend that you do not remove the item from the seller's location unless you have worked out a solution with the selling agency. Typically, once you have paid for and removed the item, the sale is final.
If the selling agency agrees to cancel the sale or reduce the sale price, Municibid will refund the buyer's fee to match the agreement. For example, if you and the selling agency agree to reduce the sale price by 50%, Municibid will refund 50% of the buyer's fee. If you and the seller agree to cancel the transaction, your Municibid account will not be penalized. However, if you choose to walk away without working out a solution with the selling agency and without paying for your item, you are at risk of being banned from further use of Municibid for defaulting on the auction. It's important to discuss any issue with the selling agency directly.
While rare, there are times where the item isn't exactly what you expected it to be.

Written by Team Municibid
Updated over a year ago